Tourist e-Visa Portal
  1. Applicant Information
  2. Passport Information
  3. Pay Now

Personal Details

  • You will receive an e-mail that confirms the receipt of your Application at the e-mail address you provide. You will also receive updates on the status of your Application.
  • Family name is also known as Last name or Surname.
  • Enter ALL name(s) as they appear on your passport.
  • Please provide your first name(s) (also known as "given name") exactly as shown on your passport or identity document.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the name of the country shown in the Place of birth field on your passport.
  • Enter the name of the city/town/village shown in the place of birth field on your passport. If there is no city/town/village on your passport, enter the name of the city/town/village where you were born.

Passport Details

Provide details of the passport that you will use to enter India. Enter these details exactly as they appear in your passport.

  • The Country of Passport must match Country of the Citizenship. If you need to change Country of Passport, update Country of Citizenship.
  • Enter the passport number exactly as it appears on the biographic information page. Pay particular attention to the letter O and the number 0; and the letter I and the number 1.

Contact Details


Travel Details


Business Visa

Medical Attendant Visa


Note: You can't apply within 72 hrs as application may take 2-3 days to process. You may apply for e-Visa a minimum of 4 days before your departure.


Additional Question Details


Address Details


Profession Details


Education and Other information


Additional Travel Details


If Previous visa information is lost please answer Not Available/Not Know.
If you had travelled on Indian Passport please answer Not Applicable

  • Issue date can be found on your passport or travel document.

Host Details


Emergency Contact Details in Home Country


Family Details



Business Details

Details of the Applicants Company:-

Details of Indian Firm:-

if you do not have details, you can fill NA.